
Entity Definition

Logical Name : CustomerReferralReward
Physical Name : CO_CT_RFC_RWD

This entity associates a CustomerReferral to a PromotionalOffer to represent the reward given to a customer for successfully helping to convert a Consumer into a Customer. The actual reward is represented as a PromotionalOffer (which deals with discounts, gift certificates, premimum gifts, etc.)

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
CustomerReferralRewardID (PK) A token ID for a customer referral reward. ID_CT_RFC_RWD Identity integer
CustomerRewardIssueDateTime The date this CustomerReferralReward is issued and considered IN EFFECT. DT_CT_RWD_ISS AuditDateTime datetime
CustomerReferralRewardExpirationDate The date this CustomerReferralReward expires if not used by the customer. Note that this is important for accounting purposes. Technically a pending reward is a contingent liability and may be extingushed upon the customer's claim of a reward (at which time it becomes and expense) or expires (at which time it is purged). DC_CT_RWD_EP ExpirationDate date
CustomerReferralRewardStatusCode Code indicating the current status of tthe CustomerReferralReward. Valid values include: P - Pending - reward is issued C - Claimed (customer claims reward E - Expired, reward timed out and is nolonger claimable. SC_CT_RWD Code2Status char(2)
RewardClaimDateTime Date and time this CustomerReferralReward is claimed. DT_RWD_CLM AuditDateTime datetime
CustomerReferralID (FK) Token ID for a CustomerReferral ID_CT_RFC Identity integer CustomerReferral(CO_CT_RFC)
Rewarded (FK) The unique identifier for a promotion. Rewarded Identity integer PromotionalOffer(CO_PRM)
PromotionalInitiativeID (FK) A token ID for a retailer's PromotionInitiative instance. ID_PRML_INITV Identity integer PromotionalOffer(CO_PRM)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
CustomerReferral is rewarded by CustomerReferralReward
PromotionalOffer is offered as CustomerReferralReward
CustomerReferralReward is redeemed through ZCustomerRewardEarnedLineItem

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